My day was busy from the moment I woke up and now I'm so ready to crash. I woke up knowing I had an interview for a nannying possition and an appointment with a potential business partner all before noon. I sat down with my day planner (I have to admit running your own business means you and going to NEED one of these) and made sure I had every engagement for the next two weeks marked down. turns out my schedule is already getting pretty full. Everything went well and this is why I think that happened:
I have started going out into the world every morning wanting to know how I can help people. Some people think it's karma. Maybe it is but maybe it's just that people can see that you are out there working to benefit other and want to help you in return. What ever it is I know that it works.
A week ago I was beginning to feel hopeless in my latest business venture. I went out there thinking how I needed to make money and wondering who I could get to help me out with that. Truthfully people are turned off by this and I completely understand. I would be too.
So, I took a moment and reevaluated my outlook. I went on craigslist (I really didn't know where to start and figured it was as good a place as any.) I looked for people who were looking for something I might be able to help. I have a rather diverse skill set and a true desire to help people, I always have. Here's what I did. I'm not telling because I want people to know I'm out there "helping the world" but showing how you can find a few good fits for you that will change your life for the better and someone elses too.
-Last weekend I found a few people in need of things that I was storing. Giving my things away helped me and just as much I think it helped these people as well.
-I found a family looking for childcare for what I thought was a temporary thing. As it turns out they need someone long term. At first I wasn't sure if this is what I wanted but I got to thinking... how long have I been talking about working with kids again, about how much I miss that? So, I went on the interview. We just clicked. This couple and their family is a perfect fit for me. I can help them with very affordable childcare, even "nanny" care for less than day care. I will get to work with kids and still have time to work my "real job" or income earning business too.
-I set up a plan to spend more time with my neices and nephew that live in town. Their mom has her hands full as a parent with three small children and I know she needs more support. I miss these kids when I don't make it over often. So, I fixed these things, one day a week I will help with these beautiful kids, get to build a strong bond with them as their Auntie and give their Mom a little extra much needed time away.
With those few things I feel like a whole new person again. Working my other job I lost track of who I was and became just an extension of my job. Today, I saw myself in the mirror again. The family I met this morning and my future business partner commented on certain qualities I haven't heard mentioned in a long time.
So this is my one and only tip for the day. It's not "green" but it is healthy.
~Look for ways to help others everyday!~
It will make someone elses life better and knowing you did that will make you feel a teeny bit like a hero.
Now, it's off to bed for me, it's been a very, very long and wonderful day and I am exhausted.
Very nice! I truly believe what goes around comes around and I think I have forgotten that lately too. Thanks for the reminder. :) Time for me to give a little of myself.